Dr. Vidali Offers Specialized
Endometriosis Treatment
Packages for Canadian Residents

USA endometriosis surgeon for Canadian Residents

Even though there are some great endometriosis surgeons in Canada, many patients are frustrated by the long waitlists and have opted to fly long distances for surgery. Dr. Vidali has put together a highly competitive financial package that eliminates the need to fly long distances.

Schedule a Consult Today

Call 516-584-8710

Reasons to See Dr. Vidali
and Get Surgery in the United States

  • Painful periods
  • Pelvic pain
  • Painful periods
  • Pelvic pain
  • Bladder pain
  • Pain with intercourse
  • Your MRI is negative
  • Nothing found on ultrasound
  • You have adenomyosis
  • You have an ovarian endometrioma
  • Pain despite endometriosis surgery
  • Told you need to go on Lupron
  • You have been told you have to take Orilissa
  • You have failed IVF
  • You are infertile and they told you it’s unexplained
  • You want to reduce your chance of having a second surgery
  • You want to freeze your eggs but you have endometriosis
  • You have failed embryo transfers with PGS normal embryos
  • They told you IVF will bypass endometriosis (it may not)
  • You have experienced miscarriages
  • You have experienced biochemical pregnancies
  • They told you “you may lose your ovary”
  • They told you surgery is too risky
  • You are not sure your doctor is an excision specialist
  • You have been told “it is all in your head”
  • That endometriosis surgery will damage your fertility
  • You had a surgery and are still in pain

Peer Reviewed & Recommended

Multiple Time Founder

Pregmune | Dr. Andrea Vidali

Endometriosis, Infertility, and
Miscarriage Are Often Related

With decades of experience, Dr. Vidali who is also the Director of the BRI Reproductive Immunology & Endometriosis Surgical Center is uniquely qualified to identify and manage the most Complex Endometriosis, Infertility, and Miscarriage cases.

For more information about miscarriage and IVF help click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is excision better than ablation in endometriosis?

Excision involves the removal of endometriosis tissue by cutting or dissecting it away. This can be done using a variety of instruments, such as a scalpel, laser, or electrocautery device. Excision allows the surgeon to completely remove the endometriosis tissue, which can be beneficial if the tissue is deep or extensive. Excision may also be more effective at relieving pain and fertility issues, as it is more likely to remove the endometriosis tissue entirely.

On the other hand, ablation involves destroying the endometriosis tissue using various techniques, such as heat, laser, or freezing. However, ablation does not entirely remove the tissue and may not be as effective at relieving symptoms or improving fertility outcomes as excision.

In general, excision is considered a more definitive treatment for endometriosis and is the preferred treatment option. Some surgeons resort to ablation as they lack the expertise to perform excision. Dr. Vidali will excise 100% of your endometriosis disease.

Many surgeons claim that they can perform endometriosis surgery. But not all surgeons are equally qualified.

It's important to note that all surgeons must meet specific minimum standards to practice medicine, but beyond that, there can be significant differences in skill and expertise among surgeons.

Training and education: Surgeons receive extensive training and education to become proficient in their field. However, some surgeons may have received more advanced training or education than others, which could lead to differences in their skill levels. Dr. Vidali has received postgraduate training at Georgetown and Columbia University. He is also a fellowship-trained Reproductive Endocrinologist and was the medical director of an IVF center for two decades.

Experience: Surgeons who have performed more surgeries are likely to have more experience and may be more skilled. Dr. Vidali has been performing advanced endometriosis surgery for over 25 years. He is internationally recognized as an endometriosis expert and teaches endometriosis surgery to physicians worldwide.

Specialization: Some surgeons may choose to specialize in a particular area of surgery, such as cardiovascular surgery or neurosurgery. These surgeons may have more expertise in their area of specialization than those who do not. Many surgeons practice a mix of gynecological procedures. On the other hand, Dr. Vidali's surgical practice is focused uniquely on endometriosis. He brings a deep knowledge of the spectrum of problems that affect patients with endometriosis, including bladder, neurological, and fertility issues.

Personal qualities: Surgeons also differ in their personal qualities, such as their attention to detail, ability to work under pressure, and problem-solving skills. These qualities can impact a surgeon's overall skill level. Dr. Vidali's long and successful track record indicates that he possesses these qualities.

There are several reasons why a first surgery may be easier than a re-operation. Do not increase your risk of needing a second surgery!

First, there will be less distortion of the anatomy during the first surgery; this can make the surgery go more smoothly and efficiently.

Secondly, during a reoperation, scar tissue is often present from the previous surgery, which can make it more difficult to access the surgical area and increase the risk of complications. The presence of scar tissue can also make it more difficult for the surgeon to visualize the surgical field and make it more challenging to perform.

Finally, reoperations are often more complex than first surgeries because the surgeon may be dealing with additional issues or complications from the previous surgery. This can make the surgery more technically challenging and increase the risk of complications.

Overall, your chance of a great outcome is best if you combine having surgery with a competent surgeon the first time rather than taking your chances with a surgeon who may be less qualified, increasing your chances of needing a second operation.



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